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Memorial dedicated to Iuliu Maniu

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10:00 - Mass with the choir of the Church from Ieud, Maramureș

          - Requiem for the Maniu family

11:45 – visit of the Memorial Museum "Iuliu Maniu", located in the basement of the church;

      - "Save National History! Save Iuliu Maniu's house!" Symposium

      - Dr. Marin Pop: "Corneliu Coposu, about the orator Iuliu Maniu"

     - Dr. Dan Deac: "Emperor Caracalla at Porolissum and the Roman inscription from Bădăcin"

    - Daniel Săuca: "Monograph of the Bădăcin village and Maniu’s family" book release, second edition, added and revised

14:00 – artistic program ˗ "Dealul Țarinei" choir from Bădăcin, Folk Group, a group of students from the "Iuliu Maniu" School from Bădăcin, folkloric group from Ieud, Maramureș

15:00 - current state of the rehabilitation of the “Iuliu Maniu” Memorial House project

15:15 - Speeches

Location: Greek Catholic Church from Bădăcin

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